Cybersecurity further education and higher education research
Organisations are being asked about the teaching and learning of cybersecurity in further and higher education institutions to inform UK Government policy.
The Government is undertaking research to understand the provision of teaching of cybersecurity in further and higher education. Part of this work includes surveys and interviews to understand the landscape and provision of cybersecurity courses and modules in further and higher education institutions. This will help to inform future Government policy.
The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES) and the Cyber Security Team from Oxford University has been commissioned to carry out the survey fieldwork. This Government-funded research is taking place between June and August 2018. The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES) will contact further and higher education institutions to participate in an online survey and interviews
Further and higher education institutions invited to participate
Further and higher education institutions across England have been asked to take part in the research. All further and higher education institutions, even those who do not provide cyber security courses, are included in the survey. This will ensure the findings are representative of all organisations.
Employees asked to participate
CSES is inviting the senior person within these institutions, with the most knowledge or responsibility for course/module content and delivery. This could be the Head of Department or Course Leader. Participating individuals and organisations will be anonymous. There is no technical IT knowledge required to take part.
Participants will be invited via an email from CSES.
Survey methodology
Individuals who agree to participate on behalf of their organisations will take part in an online survey and potentially telephone interview with a CSES employee. The online survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete and the interview will take roughly 15 minutes at a time that is convenient to the participant.
Ray Brogden, COO of Qualifi and Advisory Council member of the Global Cyber Academy (GCA) invites you to visit the Qualifi website to access information relating to the available RQF Cyber Security qualifications ( https://qualifi.net/qualifications/ )and for additional information please also visit the GCA website at https://www.globalcyberacademy.com/