Learn to Achieve
Our courses are the perfect way to demonstrate learning accomplishments and skills for career growth. They are credible, accessible and recognized worldwide.
FSBL was founded to give learners ways to access and demonstrate valuable and relevant learning.
By studying with us, you have invested in becoming knowledgeable in your field. And it shows employers that you are a motivated, industrious and committed professional.
FSBL offers a broad range of relevant, current and credible academic and vocational related short and degree level courses to meet the demands of fast-growing career sectors.
Courses offered at FSBL are in high demand by employers and are a direct path to Universities to achieve the degree:

Vocational Pathways
FSBL delivers accredited training and courses highly demanded by the UK and worldwide employers.
Our courses are industry specific and can have University credit value. We have a wide range of skills sectors available at level 1 to level 8. Vocational related qualification pathways offer an alternative route to achieving graduate status. See here for more details.
University Pathways
FSBL is an approved centre to deliver Level 4 to Level 8. Our courses have direct access to enter into UK and USA based Universities, these universities offer credit for undergraduate and postgraduate master’s degrees. This will allow for a more flexible, lower cost route to achieve a student’s academic ambitions. To learn more about our University partners and degree pathways, please see University Pathways.